Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's been a while

Well, it's been a while since I last posted anything. And it's been a very busy while to say the least. I spent about a week in New Orleans for the International American Marketing Association conference. Which was educational and fun all rolled into one.

These are the bright, shiny faces of the people that went. We won 3 awards and 3rd place for a AMA Saves Lives video. So even though we are a fairly small school we still do well for ourselves.

I'm also busy studying for finals and preparing for graduation, which is under 2 weeks away! It's been kinda nice not to have to worry about finding a job anymore though, takes some of the pressure off. My grandparents are coming up the week before graduation which is awesome because I don't get to see them as much as I would like.

I guess I'm realizing that for the first time in over 16 years I won't be going to school...that's a little strange for me. I think I'll miss it. I'm one of those weird people that loved the excitement of going back to school in the fall. I loved shopping for school supplies, registering for classes and the suspense of wondering who was going to be in class with me. I love learning. So I think I'll miss my old friend called school. But maybe someday, sooner than I think, I'll meet up with my old friend again for another round.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Well it's already Easter folks! Can you believe it, this year is flying by!! It's a beautiful sunshiny day outside and I've spent it just hanging out with my momma! Love it! Hope everyone else has a wonderful day filled with love too! Oh and a little relaxation can't hurt either! Check out my project for the day!!

Now that's what I call a worthwhile project, and I definitely enjoyed it when I was finished!! :) Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


April 1st, the beginning of a new month! Also the beginning of a beautiful spring, the first day of the year the temperature is above 80 degrees. Beginning of a new exercise routine, thanks to the lovely weather I can start getting outside instead of doing indoor stuff! (It's much more motivating!!)

I started the day off by having breakfast with 2 of my best pals from high school, one of which is really prego!! We were only missing one of our group unfortunately! But she was there in spirit. :) This is an old school pick, but I love these girls still!!

I also started reading a new book today. My friend Lindsey, second from the right in the above pic, gave me a book a while back (sorry I haven't read it before now Linds!). It's called Warrior Chicks, well today I started reading it and I definitely know why she gave me this just from the first few pages! So that is my project for the near future, to read this book, work at making myself healthier and happier, and enjoy life for a while. Especially because I will be graduating in 5 short weeks officially! That's a little scary but also freaking AWESOME!! So here's to beginnings, however big or small they might be!