I started the day off by having breakfast with 2 of my best pals from high school, one of which is really prego!! We were only missing one of our group unfortunately! But she was there in spirit. :) This is an old school pick, but I love these girls still!!
I also started reading a new book today. My friend Lindsey, second from the right in the above pic, gave me a book a while back (sorry I haven't read it before now Linds!). It's called Warrior Chicks, well today I started reading it and I definitely know why she gave me this just from the first few pages! So that is my project for the near future, to read this book, work at making myself healthier and happier, and enjoy life for a while. Especially because I will be graduating in 5 short weeks officially! That's a little scary but also freaking AWESOME!! So here's to beginnings, however big or small they might be!
All four of us are warrior chicks ;) love you much!