Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Life's Big Questions...

Tonight I was on the phone with a friend of mine who has struggled in life, mostly through no ones fault but his own and he knows this. Well he said he has had a lot of time to think and he is trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. He said to me, "I'm almost 25, I should have some idea by now." I replied, I ask myself the same thing all of the time. I'll be 23 this year and will graduate in 2 1/2 months and I have no clue what I'm gonna do. I think I should have some idea too! He said, "Maybe I should move somewhere and try to go to another school." I told him maybe that is what he needs to do, but no one can make the decision of what's best for him except for him. Same thing goes for me. Sure I'll take suggestions, but ultimately the decision is mine. And you know what? Maybe I won't know exactly what I want to do until I'm 30 or older, maybe I need to get out of this sleepy little town and experience life a little more before I know where my life is heading! I may be graduating in a couple months, and he may be almost 25 with no idea what to do in life, but who says we have to have it all figured out by a particular deadline?? And what is that deadline? I think it's different for everyone and that's what makes life interesting. How can I know what I want out of life, when I don't know what all options are out there? I can't. So my answer to this big question that life throws at you is: I'll let ya know when I figure it out, but in the mean time I'm gonna enjoy the journey to the answer!

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