Thursday, February 11, 2010

Late night thinking...

Its interesting to me how much thinking I really do late at night. Late nights have become a habit for me lately and I'm not entirely sure whether that is a good or bad thing yet. Last week there was a night I stayed up til 5am...what in the world does a person do at 5am?? Well I'm not sure about other people, but I generally reflect on things. I love the night. I love the peace, quiet and overall stillness that just seems to envelop the world. And the snow seems to make things even more still, its just an amazing thing to witness. One of those miracles some people don't take the time to stop and notice. The stillness lets me sit calmly and think....reflect.
Like tonight, I was reflecting on friends that I don't have as much contact with as I would like. Thats no ones fault but my own and I realize this, it just seems as though life has led us in different directions. I was thinking of one friend in paricular, shes the one that gave me the idea to start this blog (inadvertently I would say). Lindsey is someone I will always call a friend no matter how much time passes between our talks or visits and no matter how many miles are in between us, because thats how much of an impact on my life she has had. Shes just one of those people that can alwasy brighten your day, even on her worst days. Shes just an amazing person. Lately I have thought more of her because she recently called and told me shes getting married this year. I feel so happy for her because she finally found someone that deserves her and everything she is about. Congrats Lindsey!!
However, while I am happy for her, this leads me to another train of thought: did I miss something somewhere along the line?? Almost all of my friends are married or almost married and I am NOwhere near anything like that. I know I can't compare myself to others, everyone is different; but it still makes me stop and wonder... I realize I am not ready for the lives most of my friends have successfully built, but someitmes I wish I had the slightest glimmer that some aspects of those lives lie ahead for me. But then again, Life is a long road and I have barely begun my journey along it.

1 comment:

  1. I am so pumped to be your first follower!!! You are such a sweetie and I feel very honored that I in some small way have encouraged you to start your own blog :) I'm so excited you're blogging now because you are so right---we do not get to spend as much time together as we would like to!! You are always in my heart and I love you forever :)

    God has abundant blessings in store for you, can't wait to hear about them!! I love you!
